The future of work in 2023 and beyond 

By Tom Fisher

About the author


Tom Fisher


Tom is Head of Client Engagement at Vitro which covers two key aspects: focus on maintaining and developing client relationships and using his experience as an implementation Consultant to lead solution ideation. Tom was a client within the construction industry before joining the team in 2018 and appreciates the importance of Vitro being a trusted partner. 


The future of work is a topic constantly being discussed and debated. With the rapid advancement of technology it is becoming increasingly difficult to predict what the workplace will look like in the years to come. However, there are a number of trends that are already emerging. To follow is a glimpse of what we think the future of work may hold. 

We all need to be lifelong learners and we see increased thirst for learning diversity in the market. Technology is constantly changing, even accelerating with generative AI and machine learning, and jobs are becoming more demanding with increased complexity. We’ll need to be able to learn new skills in the flow of work and adapt to new roles to stay competitive. 


Lifelong learning can be achieved through formal education, informal learning, mentorships, coaching and digital courses

We know the future of work is likely to be very different from the workplace of today and we must remember this is a natural process of evolution and innovation, not necessarily a negative. However, there are a few things that we can do to prepare for it, here are my top three: 

  1. Soft skills are essential for success. Focus on developing your communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills. 
  2. Become a lifelong learner. Be prepared and mindful of learning new skills to adapt to new roles throughout your career. Take classes, attend workshops and mentor others. 
  3. Embrace technology. Technology is changing the workplace at a rapid pace and being willing to learn new technologies and adapt your work style accordingly is a great benefit. 

The future of work is uncertain but at Vitro we are excited by these changes. Advancements in technology push us to learn something new every day. We make sure we stay on top of these new initiatives but most of all, we embrace them and we pass the benefits on to our clients. 


By preparing for the changes that are coming, you too can set yourself up for success. Don’t be afraid of change, embrace it. 

future of work
preparing for the future of work

The rise of the gig economy

One of the most significant trends shaping the future of work is the rise of automation. Automation is the use of technology to perform tasks that were previously done by humans. These are things like manufacturing, data entry and customer service. 


Automation is already having a major impact on the workforce. According to a report by McKinsey, up to 800 million jobs could be automated by 2030.  


The shift to a more digital world

Due to increasing availability and affordability of technology, another major trend is the shift to a more digital workplace. We’re seeing more and more businesses moving to cloud-based computing and using technology to automate tasks and streamline workflows. 


The shift to a digital workplace is also being driven by the changing needs of employees. Millennials and Gen Z employees are growing up in a digital world and they expect their workplaces to be just as digital. They want to be able to work from anywhere and access their work files from any device, although I think we all see this as the new way of working and not just a trend. 

The gig economy is a labour market defined by short-term contracts and freelance labour. It is growing rapidly, and it is estimated that by 2025, the gig economy will account for 50% of the workforce in the US and most of Europe. 


The gig economy is appealing to many because it offers flexibility and freedom to work when and where you wish. However, it does come with its challenges, you often have to deal with unsteady income, a lack of benefits and uncertainty over where your next role is coming from. 


Growth in the gig economy

While automation and technology are playing an increasingly important role in the workplace, we still see soft skills as essential for success. Things like communication, teamwork and adaptability are always going to be key, no matter the working trend.  


Soft skills are important because they allow us to work effectively with others and help to adapt to change. In the future of work, where jobs are constantly changing, soft skills will be more important and relevant than ever.

The importance of soft skills

The need for lifelong learning 

How to prepare for the future of work 

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