attracting talent

Attracting talent

By Jenny Cornforth

You’re a business looking to grow but struggling to attract the right people to fill your vacancies.  


Jobseekers are looking for more than just the role, and you will need to communicate more about what you can offer early to entice more applicants. 


What and how you advertise is critical. Before you publish your advert, you must understand what you need for your business. Be mindful of how you present the role. Avoid using too much jargon. While it might make sense to you and your business, candidates might be confused or put off altogether.  

In this blog, we share our guide on what you should and shouldn’t be doing to attract the best talent for your business. 

In another of our recent blogs, we spoke about the virtues of transitioning your job architecture from one defined by roles to one defined by skills. There is a rising trend that is challenging the concept that you should only hire people who are degree educated or have X number of GCSEs and A’Levels.


Creating an advert that clearly defines the skills you are seeking is far more beneficial and will open up your vacancy to a wider talent pool. 

Do your homework before you go to the market. Make sure you research your role and look at other similar vacancies that are being advertised right now. Have you bench-marked your salary against competitors and other companies in your sector? Is it competitive? 


But candidates are looking for more than just money… 


Candidates want to know how they will be treated if they join your company, so ensure they have easy access to content that shares your story and conveys what you stand for and believe in and, most of all, how you care for your people. 

Candidates want to know what opportunities there are to develop within your business. 


What is the scope to grow? What might the career path look like?  


For small businesses, this can be a real challenge to convey.  

Before you even publish a job advert, you should first look within.  Does your business offer a clear path of progression? Is a functional framework in place to support your employees to develop at their preferred pace? How easy is it for employees to give feedback? Is that feedback listened to and acted on?  

Before seeking to recruit, consider the talent you already have within your business. Could recruiting internally be a better option? By advertising your vacancies internally, you may offer a development opportunity to one of your team. What’s more, if there are individuals within your business that you believe would be perfect for the role, approach them. Recruiting internally is far cheaper than sourcing new talent from outside. 



Vitro has significant experience in assisting clients to streamline their recruitment and onboarding processes, keeping the candidate in focus at all times. We can help you attract the best talent and find ways to retain your brightest stars. We can review your protocols to improve the overall candidate experience and guide you through improving your recruitment process.

If you’d like to talk to us about how you can attract and nurture talent, then reach out to us today.

How can Vitro help?

Inductions are a great way to help recruits learn about the business and how things are done but avoid sending your new starters on lengthy courses and sit-down sessions, as it doesn’t give a great first impression.  


Consider what you can share with them once the offer letter is signed.


Invite them to meet their team and help them to get to grips with the culture by hosting a social event. Encourage them to get to know their manager and ensure they have access to everything they need. 

Review your introduction process

How you onboard recruits into your business is crucial to making a great first impression. 


Starting with the job advert, how well is it designed? Is the content clear? If there are two Business Analyst vacancies in the same area, and one asks you to complete a twenty-page application form versus the other asking you to attach a CV, you know which company will receive the most applications.  


You should also pay particular attention to the timescales between when you make an offer and when the candidate starts. Often candidates face a three or six-month notice period. How often do you check in with your new recruit during their notice period? Keep your new hire warm during that period, so they know they are valued.  


Consider what you could share with them in terms of induction before they start. Are there any forms they could fill in before they start? 


Have you completed all the preparation to make their on-boarding seamless when their first day arrives? For example, have you communicated where they need to go, how to access the building and what they might need to bring? Is their desk ready? Have you liaised with your IT team to ensure they have a device ready?

Review your onboarding process

About the author


Jenny Cornforth


Jenny is the Head of Transformation Experience for Vitro. She is also an implementation consultant in her own right, which often focuses on solutions. She is there to support clients in solving problems such as process or functionality issues. 


Jenny is also a Project Manager. This dual approach to her role allows her to remain agile and goals-focused.

jenny cornforth

The value of skills

Consider what you 'really' offer

Make sure to discuss progression

Focus on your internal framework before recruiting

Don't overlook what you already have

Some of our clients have an SLA on internal recruitment, which is great as it ensures you maintain a focus on your existing talent stream. However, it’s important to recruit new talent into your business. New recruits offer a fresh set of eyes on your business, a new perspective and a broader vision. 


Moreover, they will provide you with a new stream of connections and contacts and real-life experience working in your sector for other firms, some of which may have even been your competitors. They’ve walked the floor, too, meaning they can offer an honest perspective on how your services are received, and they could even provide a valuable client perspective.

The value of new talent

how to attract talent

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